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Math in Geography  

How much water pours over Niagara Falls every second?
What is the height of Niagara Falls?
Death Valley is the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. What is its elevation?
The Dead Sea in Israel/Jordan is the lowest place on Earth. What is its elevation?
What is the average daily high temperature in July in Yuma, Arizona?
What is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Death Valley, California?
What is the average daily low temperature in July in La Quiaca, Argentina?
What is the warmest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica?
The driest place in the world is Arica, Chile. How much rain does it get?
Mount Waialeale, Hawaii is the wettest place in the world. How much rain does it get?
What is the height of the Sears Tower in Chicago (formerly the world's tallest building)?
How long is the world's longest bridge (Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, Louisiana)?
Mount Everest, Nepal is the world's highest mountain. What is its elevation?
Denali in Alaska is the highest mountain in the U.S. What is its elevation?
The world's longest waterfall is Angel, Venezuela (dropping in two steps). How much does it drop?
How big is the world's largest artificial lake?
How long is the Mississippi-Missouri River in the U.S. (the longest river in North America)?
What is the world's longest river, and how long is it?
More people live in China than in any other country. How many people live in China?
How big is Greenland, the world's largest island?
What percentage of the Earth's air is oxygen?
How large is the Sahara Desert (the world's biggest desert)?
How large is Antarctica?
How large is the Arctic Ocean?
What percentage of Earth's air is nitrogen?
What percentage of the world's greenhouse gases come from the United States?
Lake Baykal in Asia is the world's deepest lake. How deep is it?
How large is the Pacific Ocean?
What percentage of the world's water is salt water (in seas and oceans)?
The Great Wall of China, built 2,400 years ago, is the world's longest structure. How long is it?
How large is the Indian Ocean?
What is the average daily high temperature in July in Adrar, Algeria?
How large is the Atlantic Ocean?
About how many people lived in Mexico in 1999?
At what temperature does water freeze?
At what temperature does water boil?
What is the diameter of the Earth at the equator?
What is the circumference of the Earth at the equator?
How many people live in Greenland?

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Math in Geography
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