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Math in Sports  

When and where did bowling become a sport?
When and where did wrestling become a sport?
When and where did basketball become a sport?
When and where did boxing become a sport?
What is the speed of the fastest pitch ever recorded (by Lynn Nolan Ryan, California Angels, in 1974)?
What is the speed of the fastest men's tennis serve ever recorded (by Greg Rusedski, Great Britain, March 14, 1998)?
What is the speed of the fastest women's tennis serve ever recorded (by Venus Williams, Oct. 16, 1998)?
What is the highest average speed ever reached in an Olympic downhill skiing race?

Math Terminology
Animal Math
Plant Math
Math and the Human Body
Math in Sports
Math in History
Math in Geography
Math in Astronomy

copyright 2000 -   by Wendy Petti of Math Cats.   All Rights Reserved.