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How many yards are in one mile?
How many millimeters are in an inch?
How many millimeters are in a kilometer?
Which countries have not officially adopted the metric system?
How many feet are in one mile?
If something is a "hairbreadth" away, how far away is it?
How long is a nautical mile (sea mile)?
How many square inches are in one square yard?
How many square feet are in an acre of land?
How many square yards are in one acre?
How many acres are in a square mile?
How many square yards are in one square mile?
How long is a rod?
How long is a furlong?
How many furlongs are in one mile?
How many miles are in one league?
How many drams are in one ounce?
How many pounds are in one hundredweight?
How many pounds are in one ton (in the American standard system)?
How many tablespoons are in one cup?
How many cubic inches are in a gallon?
How many fluid drams are in one fluid ounce?
How many gills are in one pint?
How many gallons are in one barrel?
"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers..." How much is a peck?
How many pecks are in one bushel?
How many cubic feet are in one cord (such as a cord of wood)?

Math Terminology
Animal Math
Plant Math
Math and the Human Body
Math in Sports
Math in History
Math in Geography
Math in Astronomy

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