* More multiplication activities at Math Cats:Multiplication Fact Family Cards Each card has three numbers on it. The number at the bottom is the product of the two numbers above it. These three numbers are a fact family. This card shows four related facts: |
3 x 5 = 15 5 x 3 = 15 15 ÷ 3 = 5 15 ÷ 5 = 3 | After you print and cut out the cards, be sure to try the suggested games and activities! |  |
Multiply It Watch the grid change size and shape as you drag the sliders to make new multiplication facts. The product slider always shows the total.(This project requires the free MW Web Player plug-in. Click the picture for more info and a link to the plug-in.) |  |
Multiplication Rods This project uses online "Cuisenaire rods" to illustrate multiplication problems. Click the blue triangles to change the numbers, then click "Multiply!" and watch as the problem is set up in the form of a rectangle.(This project requires the free MW Web Player plug-in. Click the picture for more info and a link to the plug-in.) |  |
Multiplication Grid This popular Math Cats game helps you build speed with multiplication and division facts while learning more about how the facts relate to each other.  (This project requires the free MW Web Player plug-in. Click the picture for more info and a link to the plug-in.) |