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Broken Calculator Overview
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Broken Calculator is shared by Garry Clark*
of Armidale, Australia

screenshot of the project (inactive buttons)

To use this project, you need the free MicroWorlds Web Player, but you do not need to know anything about MicroWorlds.

Find different ways to display each number without using the broken calculator keys. There are four levels of difficulty, ranging from one to four broken keys. (This screenshot is taken from Level 4.) You might use the +, -, x or ÷ keys, if they are not broken. How many ways can you build each number? Keep track on a piece of paper.

* Garry Clark, a lecturer at the University of New England's School of Education in Armidale, Australia, has put together a CD of 93 stimulating mathematical activities which help develop math concepts and strategies along with math skills. Most of these activities (including the Broken Calculator) are presented in the same spirit of open-ended exploration that we Math Cats love so much! We highly recommend this CD. Click here to learn more about Garry Clark's Mathematical Activities CD or to place an order.
©  copyright 2002 - by Garry Clark. All rights reserved. Reposted with permission.