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What a Crowd!
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What a Crowd overview
What a Crowd overview
   and screenshot   
If you cannot see the project after the page is fully loaded, please download the new version of the free MicroWorlds Web Player (plug-in).
Click on the "go" button, and you'll see a crowd, anywhere from 15 up to 2,000 tiny people! Soon, a box will pop up to ask you how many people are in the crowd. After you guess, you'll find out the actual number. The closer your guess, the more points you'll earn! Click "go" again to see another crowd and try to add to your score. You can estimate the size of as many crowds as you like.
If you guess exactly right
accurate within 5%
accurate within 10%
accurate within 20%
accurate within 33.3%
accurate within 50%
not within 50%
100 points
50 points
30 points
20 points
10 points
5 points
0 points
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