Follow a Path

(Be sure to read the directions below the project!)

This project lets you practice writing Logo commands to steer the turtle along the path to the house. Click in the white textbox and type one or more commands, then click "follow_the_path" to try them out. You can make changes to the commands and click "follow_the_path" again whenever you like. Keep adding on to your list of commands and testing them. The turtle will start over from the beginning of the path whenever you click "follow_the_path." If you type a command that the turtle does not understand (for instance, if you forget to put a space and a number after a command), he will alert you.

You'll need to turn the turtle right or left and then move him forward, then turn him again and move him forward, until he reaches the house. Each command is followed by a space and a number to tell him how far to turn or move. "Rt" is for right, "lt" is for left, and "fd" is for forward. Here are a few examples:

rt 75 (turn right 75 degrees)
lt 10 (turn left 10 degrees)
fd 200 (move forward 200 tiny steps)

When he reaches the house, he'll show that he's happy.
Click on "create_a_path" once or twice to make a new scene.

Copyright 2001 by Wendy Petti
follow a path overview
follow a path overview
and procedures
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