screenshot of "follow a path" (inactive buttons)
rt 75 | (turn right 75 degrees) |
lt 10 | (turn left 10 degrees) |
fd 200 | (move forward 200 tiny steps) |
If you own MicroWorlds and would like to create this project yourself, here are the procedures for making random paths through the woods and practicing Logo commands to steer the turtle:
* * * * * *
(Please refer to the screenshot for the turtles, buttons, and textbox needed. The textbox is called "command_center." Create a house shape for your t1 turtle. Set t1's pensize to 32 and set its color to 23. Set t2's pensize to 2. Write the words "I'm home!" into a shape called "I'm_home!"
* * * * * *
to create_a_path
make "startx -258 + random 516
make "starty -100 + random 260
t2, setc 63 pd fill pu setc 9 setsh 0 setsize 40 setsh 0
t1, pu setx :startx sety :starty pd
t1, towards "t2 fd distance "t2
if (and ycor < 100 ycor > -50 xcor > -200 xcor < 200) [rt -90 + random 180 fd 10 + random 65]
t1, towards "t2 fd distance "t2
t2, setx :startx sety :starty pd
command_center, ct
t2, seth 0
when [touching? "t2 "t1] [t2, repeat 5 [setsh "I'm_home! setsize 40 wait 3 repeat 3 [setsize 30 setsh 0 wait 1 setsize 50 wait 1] setsize 40 wait 1] stopall]
to newposition
t2, setx -250 + random 500
sety -100 + random 260
to placetrees
ask [t7 t8 t9 t10 t11] [setx -270 + random 540 sety 0 + random 175 if colorunder = 23 [bk 100]]
ask [t3 t4 t5 t6] [setx -270 + random 540 sety 0 - random 100 if colorunder = 23 [bk 100]]
to follow_the_path
clean t2, seth 0
t2, pu setx :startx sety :starty pd
run command_center
to startup
command_center, ct
t2, setsh 0
set "button1 "on? "true
copyright 2001 by Wendy Petti
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