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It must be around here someplace!

Cuddles caught a cricket, but he dropped it in the ivy.  Oh no!  
Even with help, this is almost as hard as finding a needle in a haystack!  
Suppose the 3 kittens and their friend each peek under one leaf of ivy every second, and they find the cricket under the 1,000th leaf.  How long will it take to find that yummy cricket?  (The answer is below. Try to solve it before you peek!)

Think first. Then wave your mouse over the magic chalkboard for the answer.
If you can't see the answer, click here.

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Past Photos of the Week

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© copyright 2004 -   Wendy Petti of Math Cats.   All Rights Reserved.
The photos and other content at Math Cats may not be used on any other website (or anywhere in the "real" world!).